Monday, May 21, 2007

Its Not Amnesty... It Is Refuge From Global Warming

Issue: Teddy Kennedy swam into closed door deal with The Bush Administration and some faux Rebublicans in the senate (John McCain dropped by to take credit and say F U to the senators that worked on this deal) to come up with a "compromise" to deal with illegal immigration. While many believe this is a way to create a larger base for the Democrats since many of these people will need government assistance, which is what the Democrats specialize in.

I say it all goes back to global warming.

1st degree: Teddy Kennedy has been pressured to support a wind farm near property he owns which would provide an alternate energy source, and thus decrease oil dependence and emissions that might contribute to global warming.

2nd degree: Teddy has two problems with the wind farm. First, it would ruin the view from his veranda. Second, it would be off shore and he might be expected to do a ribbon cutting (he doesn't trust himself with a large group of people out on the open water.)

3rd degree: Being a "caring" liberal and wanting to do his part to aid in the struggle against man-made global warming, as long as it doesn't reduce his property value, he assigns his staff the task of finding a cause he can champion.

4th degree: At 11:30 am one Monday morning as Teddy was finishing his sixth martini of the day, a young staffer came in and suggested he revitalize his push for growing the base through amnesty for illegals.

5th degree: As Teddy reached out to toast the staffer, he sloshed his martini on his autographed picture of Al Gore holding a globe. He suddenly had his equivalent of a lightbulb go on above his head. Of course in his case this is more like nightlight.

6th degree: Invigorated, Teddy instructs the staffer to alert his usual gang of Republican accomplices to help him with his plan to save people from global warming and increase the base! The staffer says, "Hunh?" Teddy in full drunken stupor explains, "Are you stupid? If we give amnesty to the people who are here illegally and encourage them to bring their extended families we can increase our base and save them from global warming... everyone knows its cooler here than in Mexico!"